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Awarded as Sweden's' Top Sustainability Leader under 35 in 2021, Gloria Tränkle is passionate about women in entrepreneurship.  She uses her skills and experience to influence the corporate ecosystem from within as serial entrepreneur. Born in Germany, Gloria moved to Sweden 2020 where she leads two companies. She has experience from the public & private sector in innovation, digital transformation, entrepreneurship, bioeconomy and holds a Master of Science in Sustainability.


Gloria’s passions involve connecting stakeholders, knowledge transfer, and supporting entrepreneurs beyond boarders.



Named Inspiring 50 women in tech in the Nordics, Stephanie is a Social Entrepreneur & advocate for women in technology & diversity. She is working vigorously to bridge the funding gap for female entrepreneurs, by empowering them with mentorship & knowledge. With 20 years experience in the technology sector across 3 continents, Stephanie is now working with innovation in the shipping & logistics industry.



Stephanie was awarded the prestigious Stockholm Innovation Scholarship in Travel & Tourism 21", which showcases her passion in utlizing technology for increasing accessibility for all in society.

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